UMKC Men’s Bible Study UMKCMen's Nov 16 Written By Havilah Guenther Gender: MenDay: MondayTime: 7pmContact: Antonio Truong We are a group of young adults who want a meaningful life and want to share it with UMKC. A life with a meaningful relationship with God alongside our brothers through his word. Join us for fellowship, and friendship! UMKCMonday Havilah Guenther
UMKC Men’s Bible Study UMKCMen's Nov 16 Written By Havilah Guenther Gender: MenDay: MondayTime: 7pmContact: Antonio Truong We are a group of young adults who want a meaningful life and want to share it with UMKC. A life with a meaningful relationship with God alongside our brothers through his word. Join us for fellowship, and friendship! UMKCMonday Havilah Guenther