
This blog serves as an outlet for our community's creativity, artistic expression and insight into God's Word.

Warnings and Corrections: Applications from Nehemiah
When I first came into this ministry I was an incredibly broken person, and as a result all I knew to do was break things. The Lord is faithful and he is known as the Physician, able to heal and restore.

A Faithful People: Applications from Nehemiah
In our Laodicean age the world tells us to live according to how we think and feel, and I believe we can fall into the trap of bringing that same mindset into our relationship with the Lord. Sometimes we may even come to the Bible to make us feel better when what we need is to allow the book to make us more like Christ.

Reflections from Nehemiah: A Present Work and a Lasting Hope
Like the men under Nehemiah, it is not a time for us to prove our prowess or our ability. We could start a hundred fellowships, plant a thousand churches, and except God fight the battle, we would be powerless. We can only rely on Him.

Reflections from Nehemiah: A Charge to Pray
Prayer is the actual builder of the work, and it’s the hard work that we are called to do.