This blog serves as an outlet for our community's creativity, artistic expression and insight into God's Word.
Impact of Apprenticeship: Greg Graham
Apprenticeship is gaining the heart of a shepherd and sharing whatever God has shown you. I felt so ill-equipped and nervous about all the things I didn’t know, but God took what I did know and used it.
Christians and Culture: Applications from 1 Corinthians
Being frustrated at a blind man for not wearing sunglasses is foolish. Don’t condemn him, but rather show him light, preach the gospel with words and deeds, then one day you can teach him how to protect himself. We're never fighting a culture war but we are constantly battling 2 Cor 10:3.
Hungary and Romania Mission Trip Reflection
In one of our morning devotions, Micah Wildasin said that reaping and sowing implies a season of waiting. I look at the Howeys who have been sowing for 11 years and the Horvaths who have so much sowing ahead of them, and I am encouraged by their anticipation to reap.
Impact of Discipleship: Rebecca Powers
I grew weary of going to church and being in fellowship because my fear would get the best of me every time. Little did I know that my love for the world and sin was what was separating me from having genuine fellowship and a relationship with God.
Back to Basics: Applications from 1 Corinthians
It was only by surrendering my will, filtering my emotions through the word of God, and fixing my eyes on the Lord, that he enabled (and is enabling) me to move forward in faith step by step.