Finding the Secret Place: Lessons from the Emotions Study

God showed me other areas I hadn’t considered before

The Emotions Study is for every woman who wants to know what God’s word says about emotions. This study is not just for the women who feel like they have no control over their feelings; it’s also for the ones who try to control their emotions too much in their own power. This study is for single and married women alike, whether they are young or old. As long as we are living, we will deal with our emotions and how we express them, either for God’s glory or our detriment. 

Considering I have been at Midtown Baptist Temple since it began, I have known about the Emotions Study for a long time. Deb Molder has been investing the truth of what the Bible says about our emotions into other women for years and years. I have even encouraged other women to go through the study to bring their emotions under the authority of the Bible, but for some reason, I have never taken my own advice until now. When my precious disciple, Hannah, asked me to go through the study with her, I, of course, complied. I still went into it kind of thinking this was something I was doing to support her decisions to dig deeper in her walk with the Lord, all the while trying to gloss over the fact that God was probably going to show me a lot about myself in the process. And he did. 

I approached the study thinking I already knew where I struggled the most emotionally. I thought the section on anger would hit me hard, and though it was good and very convicting, God showed me other areas I hadn’t considered before. There are 18 lessons in this study and each lesson had a truth that I could personally take away for myself and keep for counseling other women. 

I can trust his promises even when I can’t trust my own emotions

The section on fear and running to the secret place (God’s word) was the most sobering and applicable for my life. We all have fears in life but how we deal with those fears shows us who has control over our hearts. Do we run to God’s word or do we let fear rule us and our emotions? The secret place is our intimacy with God through his Word and Holy Spirit. We find our Father, the fruits of the Spirit, and an absence of fear in the secret place. We are told to abide there, be aware of God’s presence in our lives, and consciously “set our love on God” to stay in the secret place. 

Psalms 91:1-2 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 

When I’m afraid, God has me under his protection, physically, spiritually, and mentally. I can trust his promises even when I can’t trust my own emotions. 

The lesson on Mentorship was the most encouraging section for me. God used Naomi even after she lost everything and called herself bitter to mentor Ruth. She didn’t have it all together, but she was willing to be used and God gave her the capacity to be what Ruth needed. He also redeemed her through this relationship with Ruth. Not too long ago I was struggling, I was bitter, and I felt like God was asking too much of me. I wasn’t obeying God in investing His Word in other women. I was in a job that was pulling me in one direction and being a wife and mom were pulling in the opposite direction. I was so stretched; therefore, I stubbornly clutched what time I did have in my hands and refused to give it up. I couldn’t possibly do all the things I was doing and disciple someone. I was burnt out with everything and angry. God showed me I was telling him no. 

Unhealthy coping mechanisms are not a replacement or an excuse to not seek God

Soon after this, I said yes to God by changing my job and surprised myself by really desiring to disciple Jaclyn. Through this time, God was growing my capacity to obey him through my willing heart. God didn’t save me through this, that happened a long time ago when I accepted his gift of salvation, but he did redeem my heart, attitude, and actions towards him. Just like Naomi, I’m not perfect or even good, but I can be used of God to invest in another woman’s life. God is gracious in giving me nourishment and encouragement through my discipleship relationships. 

I think my profession as a nurse, my age, and my experiences have given me tough skin. I have been good at compartmentalizing my emotions and not dealing with them. Unhealthy coping mechanisms are not a replacement or an excuse to not seek God and ask him to soften and change your heart. God has used His love poured out on me through His Word, my marriage, motherhood, and ministry to soften my heart. All of those are heart transforming when God has control and they can all crumble when you’re trying to do it outside of God’s will. 

I believe the emotions study is for every woman. God made us and gave us emotions. God has given us a gift in Deb Molder as a wise woman who has studied his word extensively to be able to invest in other women. Learn and receive wise counsel from her. 


Emotions are not evil or a nuisance, but they can be both of those things when they are outside of God’s will. Learn what God’s word says about controlling your emotions and bringing them under his control. That is where peace and joy and strength come from. 

Eva Briscoe is the wife of Pastor Brandon, and she disciples and counsels many of the women in C&YA. 


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