Making Missionaries of Millennials pt. 3: The Pattern

Making Missionaries of Millennials pt. 3: The Pattern

For 2,000 years, growing Christians have been looking to Timothy as a model for what their own personal faithfulness should look like. His testimony is particularly significant to young people because of his age as well as the manner in which his spiritual growth is displayed. We see the pattern of his life from one faith proposition to another, growing from a spiritual child to a developed pastor and leader at a young age.

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Things I wish I had a greater respect for in my twenties.
Testimony Testimony

Things I wish I had a greater respect for in my twenties.

Pastor Kenny Morgan leads the Discipleship Ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple, which is a vital ministry that focuses on mentoring growing Christians. Kenny is also pastor of Life Fellowship, one of several growing ministry fellowships in our church. Kenny began pursuing Christ seriously as a young adult over twenty years ago. Kenny takes some time here to reflect on the things that he wishes he would have had a greater respect for as a young man.

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