Living Faith Bible Institute Summer Enrollment is NOW OPEN! We have all sorts of classes being offered in the summer.
Please note that all summer classes, with the exclusion of Emotional Victory, are online only and self-pace courses that run for 12 weeks (May 28th - Aug 6th).
Self-pace courses require you to complete one class session (lecture and work) in order to unlock the next session, allowing students to work through the entire semesters work at their own pace. All work, in all classes, must be completed and submitted by August 6th at 11:59pm CST.
This is a great way to get equipped in God’s Word to not only know it but to live and share it. These courses are designed to be affordable, insightful, and useful for anyone who is looking to grow in their faith and knowledge of the Word of God.
Go Check Out to see what classes are being offered and Sign UP Today!