Enemy Infiltration / Eric Phillips
2 Samuel 1:1-16
The not-so-obvious ways your flesh seeks to destroy you.

Cracks in The Armor / Kenny Morgan
2 Samuel
Pastor Kenny Morgan provides insight relating to the cracks that we may have in our own armor as believers. The road to great failure is always paved with what appears to be small compromises.

FALL RETREAT 2017 / The Vulnerabilities of a Mighty Man or Woman of God / Kenny Morgan
2 Samuel 3:17-27
In this sermon, Pastor Morgan warns us of the vulnerabilities that mighty men and women of God are often susceptible to in their walks. In this passage, we see that we ought not follow the example Joab sets.

FALL RETREAT 2017 / Characteristics of a Mighty Man or Woman of God / Kenny Morgan
2 Samuel 23:8-12
Through the examples set by the men mentioned in this section of 2 Samuel, Pastor Morgan guides us in a message concerning what it means to be a mighty man or woman of God. We must be prayerful, we must be one with the Word of God and we must be faithful.