The 9 Principles pt. 4
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16) This week we continue our series by addressing our two final principles:
#8 We protect unity & #9 We operate in light of spiritual reality

The 9 Principles pt. 3
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16) This week we continue our series by addressing three more principles: #5 We engage in ministry service. #6 We are servant leaders. #7 We are always training leaders.

The 9 Principles pt. 2
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16) This week we continue our series by addressing three more principles: #2 We are always making disciples. #3 The Word of God is our absolute authority. #4 Our members are accountable to the Word.

The 9 Principles pt. 1
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16)