Set Us Free: A Character Study of Jonah 1:6-13
Jonah 1:6-13
This week we focus on the issues of finding security and stability by unbiblical means
Jonah is often referred to as the “Missionary Prophet” and yet his thought life was so out of sync with God’s will that he rebels at every turn. In his best moments he is reluctant and in his worst moments he is faithless, consumed by his emotions, obsessed with his circumstances and full of fear. As a ministry of missions minded young people, how do we avoid falling prey to a thought life that hinders fellowship with God and stunts fruitfulness in our lives?

The Acts of the Apostles: The Fearless Witness
Acts 4:1-23
There is so much fear and anxiety in our world today. So many Christians in our world are hindered in their witness because they are afraid of cultural rejection and retribution. For the Christian, fear is the fabrication of lies that call us to question the authority of God. The apostles Peter and John teach us in Acts 4 how to be bold and face rejection with joy and confidence in Christ.

FALL RETREAT 2017 / Reforming Our Worship for the Sake of Revival
Judges 6
In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe discusses how fear and idolatry are robbing us from true worship. Using Gideon as an example, we see worship as the fearless act of glorifying God, and that this must be true in our lives in order to see revival.