Biblical Finances: Capitol Purchases, Investing and Insurance / Larry Smith Pt. 4
God's Heart Regarding Finances
In this final installment of our Biblical Finance Series, we get a look at what it means to invest and ultimately end well financially.

Biblical Finances: Succeeding at Work and Getting Paid Well / Larry Smith Pt. 3
God's Heart Regarding Finances
In this 3rd lesson on Biblical Finances teaching elder Larry Smith gives a picture of what it looks like to be biblically successful in your workplace and how to get paid well for it.

Biblical Finances: Debt & Borrowing / Larry Smith Pt. 2
God's Heart Regarding Finances
In this 2nd lesson of a 4 part series, we get a close-up look into what the Bible says about debt and borrowing.

Biblical Finances: God's Heart Regarding Finances / Larry Smith Pt. 1
In this first installment of a 4-part series, Larry Smith teaches the College and Young Adult Class about God’s heart regarding finances. It’s no mystery that the believer must deal with money and finances, in this series we get an opportunity to learn and apply what the Bible has to say about it.