The Acts of the Apostles: The Model Church pt. 2
Acts 11:19-30
Part 2 of “The Model Church” further explores the qualities of the church of Antioch. What made them such a fruitful church? How can we as a church and ministry owning our faith and development the same way they did?

The Acts of the Apostles: The Gospel Open to the World pt.2
Acts 10:43-48
As we conclude our study of Peter and Cornelius, we discover several more principles dealing with the character of a gospel messenger. We also gain some key doctrinal insight on how God presents salvation moving forward in scripture.

The Acts of the Apostles: The Gospel Open to the World pt. 1
Acts 10:32-43
Peter has come to Cornelius and a crowd of Greeks who are anxiously awaiting a spiritual word. Peter shares the heart of God concerning humanity and presents the gospel in a powerful way. In this passage we learn many different principles as well as celebrate the simplicity of the gospel message.

John 11 / Myles Cheadle
John 11:1-45
This week we looked at the foundational love of God through the story of Lazarus. In the midst of great trial, God’s timing can be misunderstood, but through the lens of God’s unfailing love we can view it properly.

Romans: The Gospel in Practice: Authentic Christian Character Pt. 3
Romans 12:15-21
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Briscoe covers what it means to be empathetic and single-minded in our relationships with others.

The Ministry of The Saints / Mike Reneau
2 Timothy 4:1-8
Mike Reneau leads us in a message discussing our lives as ministers of the gospel and how our foundation must be based upon the Word of God.

Romans: Faith Cometh by Hearing
Romans 10:14-21
In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe outlines the latter half of Romans 10, reminding us that we must open our mouths.

Romans: Intro to Romans Pt. 2
Romans 1:1
Last week we were introduced to Paul as a servant, determined to serve a master. This week we address Paul's apostleship and our own responsibility to live in light of "being sent". We also discuss the power of being "separated unto the gospel".