Spring Retreat 2019 Testimonies
Spring Retreat 2019
Hear from some of our CAYA members on what God has shown them through this years 2019 Spring Retreat over “Finding the Holy Place”.

Spring Retreat 2019 / Finding the Holy Place
Spring Retreat 2019
“Finding the Holy Place” is a series of messages preached at our 2019 Spring Retreat. Pastor Brandon Briscoe and elders Brian Bustos and Eric Philips teach us about how to posture our life, mind and heart to live holy lives in the sight of God.

The Christian Walk / Uriah Guenther
1 Thessalonians 2:10-12
In this sermon, Uriah covers the importance of our walks as followers of Christ. To be like Christ is to be holy, set apart from this world. Our lives must reflect our salvation, and we should be asking ourselves if we’re truly walking worthy of God.