Philemon 1 / Uriah Guenther
Philemon 1
In this message teaching elder Uriah Guenther teaches the College and Young Adult Class about how to stop justification for sin in its tracks. While by nature our sin is opposing to God, once we are saved we too must oppose our sin and live a life like Christ.

Romans: Judgment / The Harm of Hypocrisy pt 3
Romans 2:17-29
In the previous weeks, we saw how hypocrisy invites God's righteous judgment. In today's teaching, we uncover how false perceptions of ourselves lead to further contradiction in our walk.

Romans: Judgment / A Warning to Hypocrites pt 1
Romans: 2:1-6
In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe introduces chapter two of Romans, expanding on Paul’s warning to us concerning hypocrisy. A lifestyle of judging and comparing ourselves to others will only lead to disappointment, disengagement, and pride.