Another Dimension / Seth Harper
Ephesians 3:14-21
In today’s message, we examine Ephesians 3 to learn the breadth, length, depth and height of the love of Christ.

Romans: The Gospel in Practice: Our Love
Romans 13:8-10
In this passage of Romans, Paul warns the Christian to avoid worldly debt. Rather, we are debtors to love one another as followers of Christ.

Romans: The Gospel in Practice: Authentic Christian Character Pt. 1
Romans 12:9-16
At the beginning of this 3-part series, Pastor Brandon addresses authentic love. For the believer zeal must be fueled by the message of the gospel and faith is not complete until it is comprised of hopefulness, patience, and prayer.

Romans: A Burden for Israel
Romans 9:1-5
In Romans 9, there’s a transition from an individual perspective to a national perspective. The election of Israel is discussed as well as their past redemption. Here, we begin to clearly see Paul’s heart towards his people. We must ask ourselves: Are we as aware as Paul was in terms of the souls of those around us? Are we people of sorrow or are we distracted from the mission?

Truth In Love / Myles Cheadle
Ephesians 4:8-15
In this passage, we see that God has gifted the church with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Here, Myles takes the time to discuss the purpose of these gifts, why they are given and how they are used.

Romans: Called to be Conformed
Romans 8:28-30
Romans 8:28 is a promise for Christians, one the rest of the world longs to have. This verse alongside the rest of Romans 8 should re-frame how we understand and love God. Do we love him with fleeting feelings or do we love him in trust, knowing his will is "for us"?