Road to Emmaus / Myles Cheadle
Luke 24:13-35
This Easter, we seek to understand why Jesus had to die, why he resurrected, and what it means to know the resurrected Jesus personally.

Marvelous Faith / Myles Cheadle
Luke 7:1-10
In this sermon, Myles examines the marvelous faith of the Roman Centurion in Luke 7.

The Father's Heart / Uriah Guenther
1 Corinthians 4:15, Luke 1:17
In today’s message, we analyze the difference between father’s and instructor’s. Uriah explains that the role of a father is a state of permanence

Clocked In / Kendal Anderson
Luke 17:5-10
In today’s message, Kendal explains what it means to be a servant of Christ and whether we “clock in” or “clock out” in our service to God.