Relational Enemies / Kenny Morgan
Proverbs 18:2-24
Guest speaker Kenny Morgan lays out the 5 relationship enemies that every Christian deals with and must work through. Below are the 5 Relationship Enemies: To find out the 5 counters to these enemies listen now!
1. A Selfish Outlook
2. A Broken Spirit
3. An Unbridled Tongue
4. A Hypersensitive Heart
5. An Anti-Social Approach

Sweeter Than Honey / Chris Best
Psalm 119:1-8
The world is constantly seeking happiness, yet it fails time and time again. Pastor Chris Best breaks down Psalm 119, explaining the happiness believers can have through His Word.

Cracks in The Armor / Kenny Morgan
2 Samuel
Pastor Kenny Morgan provides insight relating to the cracks that we may have in our own armor as believers. The road to great failure is always paved with what appears to be small compromises.

FALL RETREAT 2019 / Dan Reneau
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Pastor Dan Reneau of Living Faith Lee’s Summit was the guest speaker for the Fall Retreat 2019.

A Biblical Perspective of Work / Jeff Grasher
Proverbs 24:3-4
High School Pastor, Jeff Grasher, preaches on the biblical perspective of work.

The Birth of Missions: Acts 13 / James Fyffe
Acts 13:1-3
James Fyffe breaks down the practicalities of our mission as The Church by diving into the lives of Barnabas and Saul.

Begat Blessings / Billy Wood
Matthew 1:1-17
In today's message, we look into the reasons why God chose to include several women from the Old Testament in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1.

Mission Critical / Mike Reneau
Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
In this sermon Pastor Mike Reneau makes clear both philosophically and practically what our call to missions looks like. He also takes the time to share with us his calling to plant a church in Boston.

Our Need for God’s Power / Sam Miles
Acts 1-4
For the past couple of months Pastor Brandon has been walking us through the book of Acts. Today Pastor Sam shared his heart with us surveying the first four chapters of Acts, giving us keys to ministering in the power of God.

FALL RETREAT 2018 / Discovering God's Calling For My Life Pt. 2 / Tony Godfrey
Looking to the testimonies of the early church fathers; Silas, Timothy, & Paul. We find clear principles for discovering God’s calling for our lives.

FALL RETREAT 2018 / Discovering God’s Calling For My Life Pt. 1 / Tony Godfrey
Acts 15-16
Looking to the testimonies of the early church fathers; Silas, Timothy, & Paul. We find clear principles for discovering God’s calling for our lives.

5 Perspectives to Our Spiritual Inheritance / Andrew Ong
5 Perspectives to Our Spiritual Inheritance

The Ministry of The Saints / Mike Reneau
2 Timothy 4:1-8
Mike Reneau leads us in a message discussing our lives as ministers of the gospel and how our foundation must be based upon the Word of God.

FALL RETREAT 2017 / The Vulnerabilities of a Mighty Man or Woman of God / Kenny Morgan
2 Samuel 3:17-27
In this sermon, Pastor Morgan warns us of the vulnerabilities that mighty men and women of God are often susceptible to in their walks. In this passage, we see that we ought not follow the example Joab sets.

FALL RETREAT 2017 / Characteristics of a Mighty Man or Woman of God / Kenny Morgan
2 Samuel 23:8-12
Through the examples set by the men mentioned in this section of 2 Samuel, Pastor Morgan guides us in a message concerning what it means to be a mighty man or woman of God. We must be prayerful, we must be one with the Word of God and we must be faithful.

Battling Spiritual Warfare / Andrew Ong
Joshua 10:1-14
In this sermon, Pastor Ong guides us through the steps a believer must take in response to spiritual warfare. Five different kings are mentioned in Joshua 10, all of which have names with specific meanings. Pastor Ong outlines each name and their meanings, using them as warnings for our own personal walks.