Romans: Israel's Future Redemption pt.3
Romans 11:25-36
Romans 11 closes out Paul's exposition on God's future promise as it concerns the nation of Israel. This chapter specifically addresses five witnesses or exemplars that declare God's faithfulness to his people. This lesson is the last of the witnesses, "The Witness of God Himself".

Romans: Israel’s Promise Upheld: Power Over Clay
Romans 9:19-33
In Romans 9, we see Paul testifying God’s faithfulness to the Jews. He examines the history of Israel and proves God’s consistency towards the Nation throughout time. In this section, Paul poses the question: What right does God have to find fault in one nation over another when His will is impossible to resist?

Romans: Israel’s Promise Upheld: Jacob & Esau
Romans 9:9-18
What does it mean to refuse God's blessing? Esau had the birthright of his father Jacob and he put his desires ahead of God's promise. This week we address the heart of Esau but also the nature of God's election of the Nation or Israel.

Romans: The History of God’s Plan for Israel
Romans 9:6-13
In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe turns our attention away from the doctrines of individual salvation to the election of the Nation of Israel. We learn how Abraham, by faith, received God's promises and how God is sustaining those promises throughout history.

Romans: Called to be Conformed
Romans 8:28-30
Romans 8:28 is a promise for Christians, one the rest of the world longs to have. This verse alongside the rest of Romans 8 should re-frame how we understand and love God. Do we love him with fleeting feelings or do we love him in trust, knowing his will is "for us"?

Speak to the Rock / Alex Allen
Numbers 20:7-8
In this message, Alex discusses that the only way to live out the promises that the Lord has made us is to seek a relationship with Him and to live in obedience to the things that His Word commands us to do.