The Threefold Impact of Spiritual Compromise / Eric Phillips
In this sermon, Eric uses the book of Judges to teach that compromise will always cost you something. Spiritual compromise is the willful decision of a believer to allow sin to remain. Is there sin that you’re allowing to thrive in your life? You must trust God to kill it or it will cost you everything.
Romans: Mortify The Flesh
We know that through salvation we have been born again and sealed by the Spirit of God, but even with that security, our flesh has the ability to creep in and take control. In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe covers what it actually means to rid our lives of sin and live for Jesus. We must let the Spirit reveal wickedness in our lives in order to overcome it.
Romans: Overcoming the Struggle
Romans: 7:13-8:5
Paul gives us insight into his life by describing the same struggle that every Christian experiences. Even with our new nature, even if we want to follow God, sin seems to be lurking in the shadows. How do we transcend this struggle? The answer is "minding the things of the Spirit."
Romans: Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ
In Romans 7, Paul continues persuading us against sin and toward living in the reality of our righteousness. He uses the example of the marriage covenant to illustrate the freedom we experience in Christ when we die to the law of sin.
Romans: Yielding to Righteousness
Romans 6 gives us insight into how God identifies the believer: "Dead to Sin and Servant of Righteousness". What this means it that God has set us free from the bondage of sin so that we might serve him with absolute liberty.
Romans: Dying to Live
Paul articulates how Christ's death, burial and resurrection is a present truth in the Christian's life. Romans 6 teaches us that because we are dead to sin, our flesh cannot have power over us. We learn that because of the resurrection we have the power to walk in newness of life.
Romans: By One Man / Brian Bustos
By one man, Adam, sin, and death reigned throughout all humanity. In contrast, by one man, Jesus Christ, the gift of grace and life was offered to all.
Romans: God's Answer for the Guilty
In the previous message, we addressed the evidence of sin against mankind. While we are all guilty of sin, in this passage, Paul presents us with a legal deposition, a plan, explaining just how the accused have been acquitted of their crimes. This message analyzes what it means to be justified by Christ.
Romans: Mankind & the Way of the Guilty
Paul addresses humankind's common ground: corruption. Without recognition of sin and Christ's forgiveness, we are without hope in this life.
Philemon 1 / Uriah Guenther
In this message teaching elder Uriah Guenther teaches the College and Young Adult Class about how to stop justification for sin in its tracks. While by nature our sin is opposing to God, once we are saved we too must oppose our sin and live a life like Christ.