The World Needs the Gospel / Myles Cheadle

The Witness’ Work / Blade Sbisa
2 Corinthians 5:17-19

Being a Witness / Blade Sbisa
2 Corinthians 5:20-21

What is the Gospel? / Alvaro Briones
Romans 1:16
Guest speaker Alvaro Briones kicks off our 2024 Spring Retreat with a return to first principles. What is the gospel, and why is it important?

Stewarding Your Preparation / James Fyffe

Stewardship of Jobs & Careers / Myles Cheadle
Luke 16

How to Deploy a Church Pt 2 / Dan Reneau
In the final session of Spring Retreat, Pastor Dan Renau shares his experiences as a church planner and challenges us to seek unity.

How to Deploy a Church Pt 1 / Brandon Briscoe
In the second session of Spring Retreat 2021, we see the priorities of Christians who desire to be used of God. What are the things we need to take seriously if we want to reach the next generation?

How to Destroy a Church
In the first session of Spring Retreat 2021, we see the pitfalls and compromises that cause churches to fail to execute the Great Commission, or even to close their doors for good. Will we reach the next generation?

Spring Retreat 2019 Testimonies
Spring Retreat 2019
Hear from some of our CAYA members on what God has shown them through this years 2019 Spring Retreat over “Finding the Holy Place”.

Spring Retreat 2019 / Finding the Holy Place
Spring Retreat 2019
“Finding the Holy Place” is a series of messages preached at our 2019 Spring Retreat. Pastor Brandon Briscoe and elders Brian Bustos and Eric Philips teach us about how to posture our life, mind and heart to live holy lives in the sight of God.

Spring Retreat: Why We Need To Study The Bible Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
Spring Retreat 2018
A two-part message by Pastor Brandon Briscoe addressing why, amidst a Post-Modern society, it is more crucial than ever to be a student of the Bible.

Spring Retreat: Why We Need To Study The Bible RECAP
Spring Retreat 2018
A time of testimony concerning what God had shown C&YA members at the Spring 2018 Retreat. This years retreat was focused on “Why Study the Bible” and “How to Study the Bible”