The 9 Principles pt. 4
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16) This week we continue our series by addressing our two final principles:
#8 We protect unity & #9 We operate in light of spiritual reality

The 9 Principles pt. 3
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16) This week we continue our series by addressing three more principles: #5 We engage in ministry service. #6 We are servant leaders. #7 We are always training leaders.

The Threefold Impact of Spiritual Compromise / Eric Phillips
Judges 1
In this sermon, Eric uses the book of Judges to teach that compromise will always cost you something. Spiritual compromise is the willful decision of a believer to allow sin to remain. Is there sin that you’re allowing to thrive in your life? You must trust God to kill it or it will cost you everything.

Moreover, Beware / Uriah Guenther
1 Corinthians 10
In this message, Uriah unpacks the warnings Paul gives to us in 1 Corinthians 10, while also using Deuteronomy 5 as a reference. We must not be ignorant of the things we’ve learned, and we must draw near to the fire without fearing the burn.

Go Up to the Mountain / Seth Harper
Haggai 1
In this sermon, Seth uses the book of Haggai to illustrate what biblical leadership and service to the Lord should look like in our lives. As believers, we must be careful to consider our ways and align them with God’s way and His Word.

Thriving in Transitions / Eric Phillips
Jeremiah 40:7-12
This week we have a guest speaker, Worship Director Eric Phillips. Eric takes time to share with us how we ought to be learning about ourselves during this season of transition. Who we become in this time will define who we are when we come out of isolation.

Deuteronomy 1 / Uriah Guenther
Deuteronomy 1
An applicational look into Deuteronomy 1 showing us how we are much like the Israelites. How, just like the Israelites, we must grow as leaders like God instructed them and take Kansas City as our “land”.

Marvelous Faith / Myles Cheadle
Luke 7:1-10
In this sermon, Myles examines the marvelous faith of the Roman Centurion in Luke 7.

Back to the Joy of Salvation / Alex Allen
Deuteronomy 8:1-20 & Psalm 51:10-12
In this message, Alex reminds us what it means to find the joy in our salvation again.

Psalm 42 / Myles Cheadle
Psalm 42
In this Hiatus from Jonah, we look to the psalmist for four keys to victory that we might draw closer to God in seasons of trial.

Another Dimension / Seth Harper
Ephesians 3:14-21
In today’s message, we examine Ephesians 3 to learn the breadth, length, depth and height of the love of Christ.

The Birth of Missions: Acts 13 / James Fyffe
Acts 13:1-3
James Fyffe breaks down the practicalities of our mission as The Church by diving into the lives of Barnabas and Saul.

Fatherlessness / Eric Phillips
Jeremiah 9:23-24
In today’s message, we examine the consequences of Spiritual Fatherlessness.

The Father's Heart / Uriah Guenther
1 Corinthians 4:15, Luke 1:17
In today’s message, we analyze the difference between father’s and instructor’s. Uriah explains that the role of a father is a state of permanence

Clocked In / Kendal Anderson
Luke 17:5-10
In today’s message, Kendal explains what it means to be a servant of Christ and whether we “clock in” or “clock out” in our service to God.

The Principle of Being Predetermined / Alex Allen
Daniel 3:18
In this message, Alex explains what it means to be “Predetermined” in your walk with Jesus Christ. By walking through different examples in the Bible, it is clear that we must purpose in our hearts to choose Christ over self, else we will fail in moments of temptation.

John 11 / Myles Cheadle
John 11:1-45
This week we looked at the foundational love of God through the story of Lazarus. In the midst of great trial, God’s timing can be misunderstood, but through the lens of God’s unfailing love we can view it properly.

Spring Retreat 2019 / Finding the Holy Place
Spring Retreat 2019
“Finding the Holy Place” is a series of messages preached at our 2019 Spring Retreat. Pastor Brandon Briscoe and elders Brian Bustos and Eric Philips teach us about how to posture our life, mind and heart to live holy lives in the sight of God.

But First, Let Me Take a Selfie / Uriah Guenther
Amos 3:1-8
This week we learn how to walk in agreement with God. To be a Christian is to be attentive to God, to be acknowledged by Him, and to agree with Him.

Jesus’ UX Fail / Brian Bustos
John 6
With over 5,000 people following him around the Sea of Galilee, Jesus had a unique opportunity to begin establishing his kingdom with incredible support. Where political leaders have one goal— striving to hit critical mass, we find Jesus in John 6 saying something so grotesque and offensive that everyone stops following him with the exception of his twelve disciples. In this sermon, we will look at why Jesus didn’t attempt to clarify his metaphors or stop his followers from leaving?