Back to the Joy of Salvation / Alex Allen
Deuteronomy 8:1-20 & Psalm 51:10-12
In this message, Alex reminds us what it means to find the joy in our salvation again.

Set Us Free: A Character Study of Jonah 1:13-17
Jonah 1:13-17
This week, we focus on the necessity of repentance in order to receive the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. We discuss what repentance is and why it is such a crucial part of the Christian life.
Jonah is often referred to as the “Missionary Prophet” and yet his thought life was so out of sync with God’s will that he rebels at every turn. In his best moments, he is reluctant and in his worst moments he is faithless, consumed by his emotions, obsessed with his circumstances, and full of fear. As a ministry of missions-minded young people, how do we avoid falling prey to a thought life that hinders fellowship with God and stunts fruitfulness in our lives?

The Acts of the Apostles: The Gospel Open to the World pt.2
Acts 10:43-48
As we conclude our study of Peter and Cornelius, we discover several more principles dealing with the character of a gospel messenger. We also gain some key doctrinal insight on how God presents salvation moving forward in scripture.

The Acts of the Apostles: The Gospel Open to the World pt. 1
Acts 10:32-43
Peter has come to Cornelius and a crowd of Greeks who are anxiously awaiting a spiritual word. Peter shares the heart of God concerning humanity and presents the gospel in a powerful way. In this passage we learn many different principles as well as celebrate the simplicity of the gospel message.

John 11 / Myles Cheadle
John 11:1-45
This week we looked at the foundational love of God through the story of Lazarus. In the midst of great trial, God’s timing can be misunderstood, but through the lens of God’s unfailing love we can view it properly.

The Cost of Discipleship: Salvation & the Lordship of Christ / Myles Cheadle
The Cost of Discipleship
In this section of the COD series, Myles covers salvation in detail and how this is the first necessary step in order to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. He also discusses the reality of discipleship and the price we must consider. We must see Jesus for who He is and understand the magnitude of His Lordship in our lives.

Romans: The Value of Security
Romans 5:9-11
Many Christians struggle to know the true security of their salvation. Often, questions like: “Does my salvation remain when I sin or when I struggle to have faith?" or "Does my salvation keep me from God's future judgment?"
This message answers those doctrinal questions.

Romans: The Value of Our Justification
Romans 5:1-11
Paul continues to explain to the Romans how salvation is not attained through laws or religious practices but only through faith in Jesus Christ. He uses Abraham, the Father of the Nation of Israel, as an example of how God credits righteousness through belief.

Romans: Justified by Faith: Abraham Pt. 2
Romans 4:9-25
Paul continues to explain to the Romans how salvation is not attained through laws or religious practices but only through faith in Jesus Christ. He uses Abraham, the Father of the Nation of Israel, as an example of how God credits righteousness through belief.

Romans: Justified By Faith: Abraham / Eric Phillips
Romans 4:1-12
Paul begins to explain to the Romans how salvation is not attained through laws or religious practices but only through faith in Jesus Christ. He uses Abraham, the Father of the Nation of Israel, as an example of how God credits righteousness through belief.