The Acts of the Apostles: More Marks of Authentic Faith

The Acts of the Apostles: More Marks of Authentic Faith

Acts 19:8-20

Paul returns to Ephesus to contribute to the work that others had been doing. His ministry abounds and God uses him mightily! In today’s sermon, we look at three character qualities of an authentic faith: a change in our communication, a determined devotion, and a distinct power.

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The Acts of the Apostles: A Line of Questions
Brandon Briscoe Brandon Briscoe

The Acts of the Apostles: A Line of Questions

Acts 19:1-7

On Paul’s return journey to Ephesus, he bumps into a group of twelve Jewish men who claim to be disciples. But upon further investigation, Paul discovers these men did not know Christ. Today we learn some very important truths about salvation, baptism, and the Holy Spirit. We also learn to be investigators, willing to ask hard questions of ourselves and others - learning to let the Bible reveal the truth.

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The Acts of the Apostles: To Be Teachable

The Acts of the Apostles: To Be Teachable

Acts 18:24-28

As we turn our attention back to the mission in Ephesus, we meet a man named Apollos. Aquila and Priscilla discover that Apollos is an incredibly gifted man with an incomplete gospel - he needs a relationship with Christ! Perhaps the best thing about Apollos though, is that despite his giftedness and intelligence, he was teachable. Today we ask "What does it mean to be teachable?”

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The Acts of the Apostles: Faith, Friends, & Farewells

The Acts of the Apostles: Faith, Friends, & Farewells

Acts 18:18-23

What we see in this leg of Paul’s journey is one of the hardest and most complicated aspects of doing ministry, making friends then having to say farewell to those we love, those we have given our lives to. We learn in this part of his missionary journey the value of old friends and new friends alike. We will learn some principles to help us see these relationships, with all their emotional complexity, from God’s point of view.

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The Acts of the Apostles: To the Evangelist

The Acts of the Apostles: To the Evangelist

Acts 18:9-17

In Acts 18, in the midst of a turbulent missionary journey to Corinth, Jesus comes to Paul in a night vision. Jesus’ words to Paul in this passage awake us to the promises God gives to those who preach the gospel.

Do you fear sharing the truth of Christ to the lost? Let Jesus himself challenge those notions.

We also see Paul face rejection from the Jews. We learn a perspective on rejection that is specific to evangelical ministry - how not to be discouraged and trust the Lord for work we can’t see or effect.

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The Acts of the Apostles: Refreshed, Rejected, Revived

The Acts of the Apostles: Refreshed, Rejected, Revived

Acts 18:5-8

In Acts 18 we find Paul preaching in the synagogue of Corinth, reasoning with the unbelievers, when his friends show up and provide him with refreshment he needs to double-down in the work. Today we spend talking about what it means to be a good friend, someone who refreshes others.

We also see Paul face rejection from the Jews. We learn a perspective on rejection that is specific to evangelical ministry - how not to be discouraged and trust the Lord for work we can’t see or effect.

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The Acts of the Apostles: Integrating Life & Ministry

The Acts of the Apostles: Integrating Life & Ministry

Acts 18:1-4

In Acts 18 Paul makes friends some new friends, Aquila and Priscilla. While in Corinth he lives with them, works with them and spends all of his free time preaching in the synagogue. In this passage we learn several really important principles about how to integrate and balance marriage, friendship, vocation and ministry.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah pt 5

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah pt 5

1 Kings 19

This is the eleventh message in a series that addresses how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this last sermon of our series, we find Elijah at his lowest point, dejected for his perceived failures and loneliness in the work. What he discovers is that God is a gracious comfort at our loneliest points in life and ministry.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah pt 4

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah pt 4

1 Kings 18:38-46

This is the tenth message in a series that addresses how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this sermon we find Elijah turning to God in prayer after defeating the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. We discuss the seriousness of God’s judgment and the need for persistent prayer in the life of the believer. We focus specifically on his absolute confidence in God how that impacted the power of his prayer life.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah pt 3

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah pt 3

1 Kings 18:38-46

This is the ninth message in a series that addresses how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this sermon we find Elijah confronting Ahab and the 450 prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel - a showdown. We focus specifically on his absolute confidence in God and how that impacted the power of his prayer life.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah Pt 2

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah Pt 2

1 Kings 18

This is the eighth message in a series that addresses the issue of how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this sermon we take some time to understand the interaction between Elijah and Obadiah, a man of God who struggled with reluctance. Obadiah would be considered a “righteous remnant” and yet he fears what God is calling him to do next with his life. In this message we discuss what it means to overcome our fears with each step of God’s calling.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah Pt 1

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Elijah Pt 1

1 Kings 17

This is the seventh message (an addendum) in a series that addresses the issue of how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this sermon, we take some time to talk about Elijah, a man who lived in a wicked generation in Israel. We explore what chapter 17 teaches about what is required in the life of an evangelist by studying Elijah’s boldness, his time of retreat with the Lord, and how God used him to reach others.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Job pt 2

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Job pt 2

Job 38-42

This is the sixth message in a series that addresses the issue of how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this sermon we learn what happens to Job after Satan shatters Job’s world through the loss of his wealth and family. As we walk with Job and his friends, we learn how easily it is for a remnant people to be distracted in the midst of trial. We also discover that many of life’s most complicated questions will never be answered - and that’s okay as long as we stand in the majesty and grace of God.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Job pt 1

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Job pt 1

Job 1

This is the fifth message in a series that addresses the issue of how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. In this sermon we are introduced to the man Job, a man of great tribulation. Job provides us with an example of what it means to understand the suffering that comes with following God but also how to respond to the sufferings that will disrupt our Christian life.

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How to Be a Remnant: Daniel pt 2

How to Be a Remnant: Daniel pt 2

Daniel 6

This is the fourth message in a series that addresses the issue of how to have a radical faith in a time and generation that seems completely opposed to God. Today we continue discussing the prophet Daniel. This week we discover that even as an old man, worn by the years, he is willing to defy human authority to obey his God. Daniel faces the lions den with thankfulness, integrity and faith.

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How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Noah

How to Be a Righteous Remnant: Noah

Genesis 6-8

This is the second message in a series that addresses the issue of how to have a radical faith in a time that seems completely opposed to Christ. Genesis tells a story about a man whose name was Noah. He models for us what it means to stand alone in the midst of a world that hated God. He shows us how to be righteous in every aspect of life despite the antagonism of the culture.

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