The 9 Principles pt. 2
Every local church is a collection of diverse people seeking to live and serve in unity as they worship God. Having a common vision and ministering under common principles is integral to each of us individually being who God has made us to be. (Eph 4:16) This week we continue our series by addressing three more principles: #2 We are always making disciples. #3 The Word of God is our absolute authority. #4 Our members are accountable to the Word.

Sweeter Than Honey / Chris Best
Psalm 119:1-8
The world is constantly seeking happiness, yet it fails time and time again. Pastor Chris Best breaks down Psalm 119, explaining the happiness believers can have through His Word.

The Exercise of Life: Hearing the Word / Kyle Guenther
Judges 3
In this sermon, Kyle Guenther uses Judges 3 to teach us how to make the Word of God a reality in our lives, specifically in the midst of hard times. We must remember that God has a point to the battles we experience. We can’t forget that Satan has a plan to destroy, but God has provided the path to victory.

The Four Goals of Discipleship: Established in the Word & The Local Church
Matthew 28:18-20
Part two in the Discipleship Refresher Series on the "Goals of Discipleship" and a walk through of what it means to be established in the Word of God & the Local Church.