Battling Spiritual Warfare / Andrew Ong
Joshua 10:1-14
In this sermon, Pastor Ong guides us through the steps a believer must take in response to spiritual warfare. Five different kings are mentioned in Joshua 10, all of which have names with specific meanings. Pastor Ong outlines each name and their meanings, using them as warnings for our own personal walks.
Romans: Israel’s Promise Upheld: Jacob & Esau
Romans 9:9-18
What does it mean to refuse God's blessing? Esau had the birthright of his father Jacob and he put his desires ahead of God's promise. This week we address the heart of Esau but also the nature of God's election of the Nation or Israel.
The Exercise of Life: Hearing the Word / Kyle Guenther
Judges 3
In this sermon, Kyle Guenther uses Judges 3 to teach us how to make the Word of God a reality in our lives, specifically in the midst of hard times. We must remember that God has a point to the battles we experience. We can’t forget that Satan has a plan to destroy, but God has provided the path to victory.
Romans: The History of God’s Plan for Israel
Romans 9:6-13
In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe turns our attention away from the doctrines of individual salvation to the election of the Nation of Israel. We learn how Abraham, by faith, received God's promises and how God is sustaining those promises throughout history.
Romans: A Burden for Israel
Romans 9:1-5
In Romans 9, there’s a transition from an individual perspective to a national perspective. The election of Israel is discussed as well as their past redemption. Here, we begin to clearly see Paul’s heart towards his people. We must ask ourselves: Are we as aware as Paul was in terms of the souls of those around us? Are we people of sorrow or are we distracted from the mission?
Truth In Love / Myles Cheadle
Ephesians 4:8-15
In this passage, we see that God has gifted the church with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Here, Myles takes the time to discuss the purpose of these gifts, why they are given and how they are used.
The Christian Walk / Uriah Guenther
1 Thessalonians 2:10-12
In this sermon, Uriah covers the importance of our walks as followers of Christ. To be like Christ is to be holy, set apart from this world. Our lives must reflect our salvation, and we should be asking ourselves if we’re truly walking worthy of God.
Romans: If God Be For Us
Romans 8:31-39
Once we understand that it's God's purpose that the follower of Christ be conformed to Christ's image, we begin to consider what things might impede that process. In the closing of Romans 8, Paul addresses three types of personal attack on the believer: opposition, condemnation and the threat of separation.
Romans: Our Transformation
Romans 8:28-30
The primary focus of Romans 8 is how God helps us deal with and overcome our sins, struggles and difficult circumstances. This chapter is a message of strength and hope. We also address how the Reformed perspective misinterprets these two verses.
The Cost of Discipleship: 4 Goals of Discipleship / Alex Allen
4 Goals of Discipleship
In this sermon, Alex gives us an overview of the four goals of discipleship and what it truly means to be established in worship, the Word of God, the local church and ministry. Can you say that you’re ready to give your life loving the church?
The Four Goals of Discipleship: Established in Ministry
Matthew 28:19-20
The third and last installment in a series devoted to the four goals of Discipleship. We discuss today what ministry is and why it is a necessary part in the life of a believer.
The Cost of Discipleship: 7 Marks of a Disciple / Uriah Guenther
The Cost of Discipleship
This is a continuation of The Cost of Discipleship series. In this section, Uriah overviews the seven key marks that make a disciple of Jesus Christ. We must understand that there is a cost to following Jesus, and it will involve laying down our lives for Him and His mission.
The Cost of Discipleship: Salvation & the Lordship of Christ / Myles Cheadle
The Cost of Discipleship
In this section of the COD series, Myles covers salvation in detail and how this is the first necessary step in order to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. He also discusses the reality of discipleship and the price we must consider. We must see Jesus for who He is and understand the magnitude of His Lordship in our lives.
The Four Goals of Discipleship: Established in the Word & The Local Church
Matthew 28:18-20
Part two in the Discipleship Refresher Series on the "Goals of Discipleship" and a walk through of what it means to be established in the Word of God & the Local Church.
The Four Goals of Discipleship: Established in Worship
Matthew 28:18-20
An introduction to the goals of discipleship and a walk through of what it means to be established in worship.
Romans: Called to be Conformed
Romans 8:28-30
Romans 8:28 is a promise for Christians, one the rest of the world longs to have. This verse alongside the rest of Romans 8 should re-frame how we understand and love God. Do we love him with fleeting feelings or do we love him in trust, knowing his will is "for us"?
Romans: The Spirit & Prayer
Romans 8:26-27
In this sermon, Pastor Briscoe reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit and its help in our lives as believers. Through infirmities and in our prayers, we are helpless and absent unless we have the Spirit’s leading.
3 Parts of an Offering / Uriah Guenther
John 4:23
This sermon covers a brief overview of the three keys to an offering: (1) fire - the presence and activation of God, (2) wood - the vessel and presence of man, and (3) the offering - the gift. Using these keys as an example, Uriah also shares how Christ has transformed this practice for our daily lives.
Romans: Our Sonship / The Inheritance of Suffering pt 2
Romans 8:17-25
Over the last two weeks we have looked at the implications of our adoption into God's family: what does it mean to be a child of God? This week we focused on learning about our inheritance: the heavenly glory and the earthly suffering. Do we know how to suffer? Do we value trial the way God does?
Romans: Our Sonship pt 1
Romans 8:14-17
This section of Romans 8 shows us what it truly means to be a son of God. Pastor Briscoe uses verses 14-17 to outline three defining characteristics of sonship: (1) A son must be led - choosing to listen and obey, (2) A son is loved - we must know that we are loved by God and this must lead us to devote our lives to Him, and (3) A son is lifted - we are heirs of God and this should direct our focus to eternal things rather than the things of this world.