The Acts of the Apostles: Stand in Surrender
Acts 1:9-26
A synopsis of the characteristics of the Apostles and what made them surrendered leaders in Acts chapter 1.
The Acts of the Apostles: Priorities, Power, & Plan
Acts 1:4-5
In just a few short verses the disciples expose their misguided priorities and Christ establishes God's priority - that the whole world be saved. In this message, we receive the Great Commission and we discover that it's only by his power that we are mobilized to impact this world.
The Acts of The Apostles: Preparation & Patience
Acts 1:4-5
As we study Acts 1:4-5 we cling to Jesus’ last words to His disciples. These words instruct them in preparation through patience; by actively waiting on the promises of God.
The Acts of the Apostles: Introduction & Instruction
Acts 1:1-4
An introduction to one of the most misunderstood yet magnificent books in our New Testament. We will learn about the history of the church, about overcoming difficulty, about complete surrender while strengthening our doctrinal perspective along the way. Please join us as we study the Acts of the Apostles.
All Church Retreat 2018 Testimonies
All Church Retreat 2018
These are a few testimonies of what God showed the members of CAYA during the 2018 All Church Retreat.
A Leading Life / Uriah Guenther
2 Chronicles 36:1-4
Considering the life of Jehoahaz, we learn from his mistakes. In considering the life of a minister, we learn how to cast down the sins of our Fathers and to lead with a repentant heart.
Romans: A Minister’s Warning: Protecting Against False Teachers Pt. 3
Romans 16:17-20
From the first century the church has been under the attack of mis-truths and false teachers. Our faithful approach to the literality of scripture is critical to the well-being of God's people and ultimately his calling on our lives. In closing, Paul warns the Romans with specific instruction on what to do when they encounter false teachers.
A Minister's Message: A Minister Has A Method Pt. 2
Romans 15:20-21
Last week we learned about the nature of Paul's message: what he spoke, how he spoke, why he spoke it and by whose authority he spoke it. This week we will consider more closely "to where and to whom should the message of the gospel be delivered?".
A Minister’s Message Pt. 1
Romans 15:14-19
A Ministers message. Paul shares the tone and tenor by which to preach the gospel with boldness.
Spiritual Deficiency & No Physical Sufficiency / Myles Cheadle
John 3:1-10
In a dialogue with Nicodemus (so called ruler of the Jews), Jesus is reduced to establishing a core spiritual truth: The nature of Spiritual life. Amidst this conversation, Jesus uses physical pictures to bear witness to spiritual realities. These pictures reveal a spiritual deficiency, discredit any fleshly sufficiency, and provide the only solution..
Romans: The Gospel in Practice / Pursuit & Prayer Pt. 2
Romans 15:8-13
A message to renew our mandate to pursue the wayward and to pray for one another.
Romans: The Gospel in Practice: Living for Unity
Romans 15:1-2
In this week’s message, we are charged to find strength in simple obedience to the Word of God and sacrificial love for younger brothers and sisters in the faith.
When God “Abandons” You / Eric Phillips
Jeremiah 15:15-21
The struggle is real. This week, Eric teaches us how followers of Christ ought to respond in the midst of suffering.
Romans: The Gospel in Practice: Living for Unity
Romans 14:1-23
This week, Paul equips us with the biblical tools to preserve unity in the church.
Romans: The Gospel in Practice: His Coming, Our Conduct
Romans 13:8-10
In this message, Paul teaches us to renew our urgency for the gospel in light of Christ’s imminent return.
Romans: The Gospel in Practice: Our Love
Romans 13:8-10
In this passage of Romans, Paul warns the Christian to avoid worldly debt. Rather, we are debtors to love one another as followers of Christ.
5 Perspectives to Our Spiritual Inheritance / Andrew Ong
5 Perspectives to Our Spiritual Inheritance
Spring Retreat: Why We Need To Study The Bible Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
Spring Retreat 2018
A two-part message by Pastor Brandon Briscoe addressing why, amidst a Post-Modern society, it is more crucial than ever to be a student of the Bible.
Romans: The Gospel in Practice: People Under Authority
Romans 13:1-7
In this passage of Romans, Paul warns us not to rebel against the authorities which God has placed in our lives.
Spring Retreat: Why We Need To Study The Bible RECAP
Spring Retreat 2018
A time of testimony concerning what God had shown C&YA members at the Spring 2018 Retreat. This years retreat was focused on “Why Study the Bible” and “How to Study the Bible”