The Acts of the Apostles: Our Greater Passion
Brandon Briscoe Brandon Briscoe Brandon Briscoe Brandon Briscoe

The Acts of the Apostles: Our Greater Passion

Acts 22:22-30

In today's sermon, we see Paul deliver the gospel to a mob of Jews and get rejected outright. The result of him speaking the truth almost culminated in a Roman scourging until he spoke up and defended himself under Roman law. What we discover about Paul and his decision-making is that whether he faced suffering or escape, Paul always sided with the truth. In reflection, do you share that same passion?

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The Acts of the Apostles: To Entreat Without Retreat

The Acts of the Apostles: To Entreat Without Retreat

Acts 22:1-23

As Paul is led by Roman authorities into the courtyard for questioning, he is followed by a mass of Jewish people. He requests an opportunity to speak and rather than defending himself, he instead defends the gospel. He doesn’t make a doctrinal argument, he appeals to them with his testimony. How can we learn to unapologetically share our story of our faith?

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The Acts of the Apostles: A Recipe for Ministry Failure

The Acts of the Apostles: A Recipe for Ministry Failure

Acts 21:15-26

A well-intentioned, yet misguided Paul heads to Jerusalem to meet his friends, fully aware of the dangers he might find there. When he arrives he is immediately confronted with the fact that the Jewish converts in Jerusalem are fervent about the laws and traditions of the old covenant; so much so that there is an undercurrent of disdain for Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles. Based on the response of the leaders in our story, this sermon addresses how a church focused on the wrong things is prime for failure.

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The Acts of the Apostles: Going Your Own Way

The Acts of the Apostles: Going Your Own Way

Acts 21:1-16

As Paul leaves the shores of Miletus for his destination of Jerusalem, he encounters many loving friends. These encounters were both wonderful but also very difficult as his friends unanimously counseled him in a way that ran counter to what he felt was best. What should we do when our well-intentioned plans come in conflict with God’s plans?

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The Acts of the Apostles: A Life Invested

The Acts of the Apostles: A Life Invested

Acts 20:25-38

As Paul closes his farewell to the church in Ephesus, he charges them how to take ownership of the ministry he is entrusting them with. As he describes this investment, he describes what it means to practically shepherd the flock of God. As a ministry of growing leaders, are we owning our responsibility to invest in God’s people?

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The Acts of the Apostles: Taking Inventory

The Acts of the Apostles: Taking Inventory

Acts 20:22-27

In Paul’s farewell to the church in Ephesus, he begins to share with them his decision to go to Jerusalem knowing that trouble probably awaits him there. How does a Christian come to a place where they are willing to take steps of faith even if they hold risk? Watch and learn as Paul “counts the cost” of ministry.

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The Acts of the Apostles: No Small Stir

The Acts of the Apostles: No Small Stir

Acts 19:8-41

Paul and his team are having a huge impact on the city of Ephesus, but that doesn’t go unnoticed by the enemy. Local tradesmen begin to see the potential impact Christianity might have on their income and decide to incite a riot in the streets. Today we ask questions about what makes our faith dangerous. We also consider what it means to keep our attention on the gospel alone without getting caught up in the swirling controversies.

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