Priests for Christ / Taylor Lyon
Deuteronomy 18:1-2
Guest speaker Taylor Lyon walks us through what it means to be a follower of Christ. God has made everyone for a purpose and everyone has a specific place in God’s ministry.

The Hidden Blessing of Thankfulness

The Two Desires of a Pastor / Kenny Morgan
The Two Desires of a Pastor

Face to Face with God / Brian Bustos
Deuteronomy 5
Israel encountered God "face to face" at the foot of a mountain. In hearing God speak audibly, Israel was confronted with the power of God and the fragility of their flesh. Deuteronomy 5 shows us that without God's provision for a mediator, we cannot sustain an intimate relationship with Him.

Fearless Messenger / Kendal Anderson
Ezekiel 2:6
A sermon over Ezekiel 2 where God commands him to be His messenger to a rebellious people. Ezekiel is told not to be concerned with their reactions when he delivers this message. We learn the details of what it means to be a fearless messenger.

Rest and Reenvision / Jorge Pietrogiovanna
Deuteronomy 3
Through this intermission of Acts 17, God gave me this passage to reenvision me for the battle at hand. To turn the world upside down, we must know our identity, and we must acknowledge the battle at hand.

Getting What You Really Want / James Fyffe
Numbers 11
God will give you the desire of your heart. This is the key concept in todays message, and the reality is that it is a very scary concept. What happens when the desire of our heart is not in line with what God desires? From Numbers 11 we will see God giving his people the desire of their heart, even though it is not what God wanted for them, and the consequence that comes with it.

Tabernacle Prayer & Praise
This week Temple Worship led us through a season of prayer and praise. We used the Tabernacle prayer template as a springboard to glorify and meet with God.
3 Principles for Keeping MBT Healthy
Ecclesiastes 10
This short message from Ecclesiastes 10 gives us a series of insights into how a congregation of believers can sustain and support the vision and leadership of their church.