The Acts of the Apostles: The Ending We All Need
Acts 28:16-31 As we close out our study in Acts, Paul provides us with one more reminder of the faith, character and doctrine of the apostles. Just as abruptly as Paul story ends, ours begins. Will we take the gospel to a world in need of Jesus?
The Acts of the Apostles: We Are a Window to the Power of God
Acts 28:1-15 Paul is shipwrecked on the island of Malta and to top off an already crazy situation, he is bit by a poisonous snake and survives. Soon he is healing people from all over the island. Paul was gifted in a unique way by God, but we too have been gifted with the ability to be a sign of God’s magnificent power and love. Are you a window to the power of God?
The Acts of the Apostles: Leading Through the Wind
Acts 27:26-44 When people lose faith and begin to fear, how should the body of Christ respond? What does it look like to lead in the midst of life’s storms? Today we observe Paul as he exemplifies true spiritual leadership and calls others to faith and obedience despite their circumstances.
The Acts of the Apostles: Facing the Winds
Acts 27:16-25 Paul is being taken by armed guard and ship to Rome to stand before Caesar’s tribunal. On the way, they face the Eurocyldon, a seasonal storm that threatens their very lives. In today's sermon, we address how most people react to trials and hardship in their lives; then we reverse those reactions to discover how Christians find confidence and peace in God.
The Acts of the Apostles: When the Wind Blows
Acts 27:1-15 Paul, a prisoner of two years, sets out for Rome under the watch care of the Roman authorities. This windy sea journey becomes increasingly arduous and by the end of the chapter, it will be disastrous. In today's sermon, we learn to watch the movements of the wind in order to get a better idea of how the enemy seeks to undermine God’s plan for your life and make a disaster of your mission.
The Acts of the Apostles: Is Your Gospel Ready?
King Agrippa comes to visit Festus and while he is in Caesarea he takes time to listen to Paul and hear directly from Paul in order to better understand the case against him. Paul capitalizes on this opportunity by preaching the gospel. In today’s sermon, we learn a important lessons on what it means to truly have a “ready gospel”.
The Acts of the Apostles: A Good Confidence
In a world that is training us to constantly be afraid, the Christian has the ability to be confident. After years of imprisonment and bureaucratic corruption, Paul has lost almost all control over his life. In this sermon, we look at Paul’s testimony of boldness in order to discover where his confidence comes from.
The Acts of the Apostles: The Bondage of Foolishness
The Bible says a lot about what it means to be foolish. In Acts 24 we come across one of the truest examples of what it means to be a fool. In today's sermon, we discover just how avoidable foolishness can be as well as the dangers of choosing ignorance over Christ.
The Acts of the Apostles: Dealing with the Accuser
If we are going to be mission-minded Christians, living out our faith in service to Christ, we will need to anticipate an enemy that will make claims about us that aren’t true. These lies have the potential to seep into our hearts and minds and distract us from the thing we set out to do. Today we will address what to do when we face accusations.
The Acts of the Apostles: God's Work of Deliverance
Many of us have a false narrative in our minds about what it means to be the child of God. Being a Christian does not guarantee us an easy life, in facts it’s a warrant for suffering. In Acts 12 we find the apostle James murdered and we see Peter delivered from a prison cell. How does God deliver? Who does God deliver? Why does God deliver? How can we learn to trust him regardless?
The Acts of the Apostles: Unsafe
The lost world has an obsession with safety, which is an aversion to difficulty, conflict, suffering, and pain. This culture of safety-ism has impacted God's people by producing complacent Christians, unwilling to take risks in faith. Acts 5 shows us a young church, willing to put its safety on the line for the sake of God's glory.