Priests for Christ / Taylor Lyon
Deuteronomy 18:1-2
Guest speaker Taylor Lyon walks us through what it means to be a follower of Christ. God has made everyone for a purpose and everyone has a specific place in God’s ministry.

Face to Face with God / Brian Bustos
Deuteronomy 5
Israel encountered God "face to face" at the foot of a mountain. In hearing God speak audibly, Israel was confronted with the power of God and the fragility of their flesh. Deuteronomy 5 shows us that without God's provision for a mediator, we cannot sustain an intimate relationship with Him.

Moreover, Beware / Uriah Guenther
1 Corinthians 10
In this message, Uriah unpacks the warnings Paul gives to us in 1 Corinthians 10, while also using Deuteronomy 5 as a reference. We must not be ignorant of the things we’ve learned, and we must draw near to the fire without fearing the burn.

Deuteronomy 1 / Uriah Guenther
Deuteronomy 1
An applicational look into Deuteronomy 1 showing us how we are much like the Israelites. How, just like the Israelites, we must grow as leaders like God instructed them and take Kansas City as our “land”.

Back to the Joy of Salvation / Alex Allen
Deuteronomy 8:1-20 & Psalm 51:10-12
In this message, Alex reminds us what it means to find the joy in our salvation again.