Deuteronomy 1 / Uriah Guenther
Deuteronomy 1
An applicational look into Deuteronomy 1 showing us how we are much like the Israelites. How, just like the Israelites, we must grow as leaders like God instructed them and take Kansas City as our “land”.

The Acts of the Apostles: The Model Church pt. 2
Acts 11:19-30
Part 2 of “The Model Church” further explores the qualities of the church of Antioch. What made them such a fruitful church? How can we as a church and ministry owning our faith and development the same way they did?
3 Principles for Keeping MBT Healthy
Ecclesiastes 10
This short message from Ecclesiastes 10 gives us a series of insights into how a congregation of believers can sustain and support the vision and leadership of their church.

Jesus’ UX Fail / Brian Bustos
John 6
With over 5,000 people following him around the Sea of Galilee, Jesus had a unique opportunity to begin establishing his kingdom with incredible support. Where political leaders have one goal— striving to hit critical mass, we find Jesus in John 6 saying something so grotesque and offensive that everyone stops following him with the exception of his twelve disciples. In this sermon, we will look at why Jesus didn’t attempt to clarify his metaphors or stop his followers from leaving?

Romans: Paul's Intercession & Spiritual Interests
Romans 1:7-17
In today’s message, Paul provides a model for how faithful leaders should see their spiritual investment.