The Acts of the Apostles: How to Turn the World Upside Down pt 1
Acts 17:1-9
Paul, Silas and the team leave Philippi to go preach the gospel in Thessalonica. After they preached, a group of frustrated antagonists make a very unique claim against them, “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also”. Our question today is, how do we personally live a life that has the power to unsettle the entire world with the gospel.
The Acts of the Apostles: What to do with an Open Door?
Acts 16:24-38
Paul & Silas have prayed and praised in their hour of need and now the doors have been opened. The next question is what to do? Do they take the way of escape or do they enter the open door, a spiritual opportunity to share the gospel with a man who is desperately in need of salvation? Do we put greater focus on negotiating the difficulties of life than on ministering the gospel?
Tabernacle Prayer & Praise
This week Temple Worship led us through a season of prayer and praise. We used the Tabernacle prayer template as a springboard to glorify and meet with God.
The Acts of the Apostles: The Unbreakable, Unshakeable Missions-Mind pt 2
Acts 16:22-26
Last week we found that in order to have an unshakeable faith that it will require us to accept persecution as a fact and believe the promises of God (Mat 5:11,12). This week we find Paul and Silas beaten and bloody in a prison cell…the average person would be at their breaking point but these men choose to worship. We learn this week that an unbreakable, unshakeable believer is a person yielded to the joy and discipline of prayer and worship.
The Threefold Impact of Spiritual Compromise / Eric Phillips
Judges 1
In this sermon, Eric uses the book of Judges to teach that compromise will always cost you something. Spiritual compromise is the willful decision of a believer to allow sin to remain. Is there sin that you’re allowing to thrive in your life? You must trust God to kill it or it will cost you everything.
Moreover, Beware / Uriah Guenther
1 Corinthians 10
In this message, Uriah unpacks the warnings Paul gives to us in 1 Corinthians 10, while also using Deuteronomy 5 as a reference. We must not be ignorant of the things we’ve learned, and we must draw near to the fire without fearing the burn.
The Acts of the Apostles: The Unbreakable, Unshakeable Missions-Mind pt 1
Acts 16:18-24
The gospel has a way of unsettling the worldly institutions around us, when that happens, we are bound to face persecution. This week we see the ramifications of Paul gospel ministry in Philippi. When the world’s cultures and systems accuse us and are hostile towards our faith, how do we stand strong?
The Acts of the Apostles: A Woman of Influence pt 2
Acts 16:16-18
In this week’s story from Acts, the team of missionaries meets another influential woman of Philippi, a soothsayer. Like Lydia, this woman had power and influence but proved to be a threat to the ministry. Today we look to Paul to help us answer, “How do I deal with people and messages that seem to distract from the mission?”
The Acts of the Apostles: A Woman of Influence
Acts 16:11-15
In our story of Paul and his journey into Europe, the team discovers a woman named Lydia and her friends worshipping the God of the Bible. In this lesson, we learn the value of spiritually-minded female leaders as well as what it means to use your sphere of influence for the gospel's sake.
Go Up to the Mountain / Seth Harper
Haggai 1
In this sermon, Seth uses the book of Haggai to illustrate what biblical leadership and service to the Lord should look like in our lives. As believers, we must be careful to consider our ways and align them with God’s way and His Word.
The Acts of the Apostles: Come Help Us
Acts 16:9-10
Today we celebrate the graduate from the High School Ministry who are joining the ranks of the College & Young Adults ministry. We look at Acts 16 where Paul receives a vision of a Macedonian man calling him to “come and help”. This same calling applies to all those who are joining our ministry, getting discipled and surveying what God is doing in our church - - please come help us reach our city.
The Acts of the Apostles: How to Listen for God's Plan
Acts 16:6-10
In todays message we witness how the Apostle Paul’s plan alters course again and again at the leading of God. How do we deal with changes in our plans? How do we know that we are hearing from God? We learn all that this week in our study of Acts.
The Acts of the Apostles: Learning to Assess Risk
Acts 16:1-5
In todays message the Apostle Paul heads out on his second missionary journey where he discovers a faithful young man named Timothy. Should he invite him to join the missions team? All big decisions involve risk, do we have faith to count the cost?
The Acts of the Apostles: The Fight For Unity
Acts 15:36-41
In this message we watch two of the greatest men in scripture argue, then divide as the result of minor disagreement. How do we protect ourselves from creating divisions in our church family? How do we promote unity?
Relational Enemies / Kenny Morgan
Proverbs 18:2-24
Guest speaker Kenny Morgan lays out the 5 relationship enemies that every Christian deals with and must work through. Below are the 5 Relationship Enemies: To find out the 5 counters to these enemies listen now!
1. A Selfish Outlook
2. A Broken Spirit
3. An Unbridled Tongue
4. A Hypersensitive Heart
5. An Anti-Social Approach
The Acts of the Apostles: The Persistent War on Grace
Acts 15:6-30
In this message we watch the debate at the Council of Jerusalem unfold. In one corner we have Paul and Barnabas who just spend a year and a half leading Gentiles to Christ. In the opposite corner we have the Judaizers who hope to add to the gospel the need to obey the Mosaic Law. The question, how does one receive salvation?
The Acts of the Apostles: Here Come the Dissenters
Acts 15:1-6
In this message we are introduced to the Judaizers, people who sought to convince the new Gentile converts that they needed to follow the law of Moses to be saved. They are described as causing dissension and dispute at the church in Antioch where Paul and Barnabas were. Today we ask the question, how should we handle dissension and dispute in our church?
The Acts of the Apostles: A Missions Existence
Acts 14:21-28
As we close out chapter 14 of Acts, we are forced to confront the reality of what it means to be a missionary. When you consider your life, do you exist for the mission? Paul and Barnabas model 9 unique functions that ought to be indicative of every Christians life.
Thriving in Transitions / Eric Phillips
Jeremiah 40:7-12
This week we have a guest speaker, Worship Director Eric Phillips. Eric takes time to share with us how we ought to be learning about ourselves during this season of transition. Who we become in this time will define who we are when we come out of isolation.
The Acts of the Apostles: Are You Adapting?
Acts 14:21-23
We take a look at the persistence and perspective of Paul and Barnabas as they wrap up this first missions journey. Their shared love for the gospel and their obsession with souls inspired adaptation in seasons of hardship, for the sake of the kingdom. Does the persistence of your witness prove your love for souls?